Monday, July 26, 2010

Hubby-isms - Final?

So the hubby continues to speak with enough care so as not to add fodder to my blog. However, while cleaning out some drawers, I came across an old notebook where I kept track of his more hilarious comments. Enjoy!

- If you don't fold your clothes nicely, they'll get wrinked!

- Put on your coat. You'll catch ammonia.

- This weighs an arm and a leg!

- I've got the legs of a python!


Me: I think I'll try to make bouillabaise.
Hubby: That's hard. How are you going to going to make the fish sing and move?

Hubby: You can't microwave water because of the neurons in it!
Me: Neurons?
Hubby: I mean electrodes.

Hubby: We need a humilifier.
Me: To humiliate the room?
Hubby: Yes.

And because it runs in the family:

Hubby's brother: TURN STRAIGHT!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm baaaack!

Renovate you must, hmmm?

Whoo! I've been quiet for awhile as life gets in the way of blogging. Update:

* Sister was married in the company of friends, family and a pair of drunken Stormtroopers.
* Preparation for my MC'ing duties which included a whack of Nerd-tacular games.
* After a lengthy series of interviews, I have finally managed to transfer to a new school closer to home. I'll be teaching the new Full Day Kindergarten.
* Packing and cleaning all my teaching materials in order to get out of my old school only to discover that my new classroom has no room for my things as yet and will need some SERIOUS cleaning.
* Crazy-ass renos are happening at my home which involves the addition of a 16 ft high bedroom and ensuite.
* Discovery that this "little addition" will also include re-doing a destroyed dining room, kitchen and bathroom.
* Bailing out the seemingly constant rain from our three-walled home.
* Trying to enjoy the summer as much as possible with my two ankle-biters and a house full of dust!