Monday, July 26, 2010

Hubby-isms - Final?

So the hubby continues to speak with enough care so as not to add fodder to my blog. However, while cleaning out some drawers, I came across an old notebook where I kept track of his more hilarious comments. Enjoy!

- If you don't fold your clothes nicely, they'll get wrinked!

- Put on your coat. You'll catch ammonia.

- This weighs an arm and a leg!

- I've got the legs of a python!


Me: I think I'll try to make bouillabaise.
Hubby: That's hard. How are you going to going to make the fish sing and move?

Hubby: You can't microwave water because of the neurons in it!
Me: Neurons?
Hubby: I mean electrodes.

Hubby: We need a humilifier.
Me: To humiliate the room?
Hubby: Yes.

And because it runs in the family:

Hubby's brother: TURN STRAIGHT!

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