I guess I'm not being very anonymous by showing
this article, but it annoys me to the point of writing about it. Not so much that another baby has the same name as my daughter, or that it is very unique (less so now), but oh-my-goodness not named after David Bowie, no way. Both parts of her name after musical inspirations? Oh, no. Dad happens to be a DJ but, no. It simply could not be. So to those who don't know, my daughter IS named after David Bowie, and my son IS named after Jimi Hendrix.....and possibly the stationary company.
Bowie Whatsherface is already starting off life less cool by being named after a decorator. In the future, she'll probably lie and claim that she is named after David Bowie. That is when Bowie the First can show this shameful Star article then ground and pound her for being such a poseur.