Friday, June 22, 2012

Noooooo!!!! Diiiiirty!

Kids are gross and mine are no different from the average. Here are a few moments that have made me say:

Noooooo!!!! Diiiiirty!

7. Drinking bath water, pool water, dog water.

6. Eating grass, dropped food, dog food.

5. Lying down on sidewalks, public washroom floors, the grass/ground around trees, poles, and fire hydrants.

4. Licking window screens, window panes, door knobs, subway poles...

3. Kid messily blowing their nose then absentmindedly using it to wipe their mouth.

2. My kids exploding their diaper then grabbing at the mess with both hands, then touching their heads.

1. My son  face plowing into an abandoned mattress on the side of the street then rolling in it.

You've probably heard of worse. Please feel free to share your shiny moments!

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