Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting older...

Now that Bowie has turned 3, I'm realizing how much I am aging and becoming part of that un-hip group of adults detached from current culture. So here comes the list...You Know You are Getting Older When:
1. YOUR music is now considered CLASSIC rock.
2. YOUR favourite movies are now considered CULT CLASSICS.
3. You can't bring yourself to say, "That's SICK." unless it's actually gross or disgusting.
4. The clothes you wore in junior high can now be bought in costume stores.
5. Most new pop music sounds terrible to you.
6. Atheletes, actors, and actresses seem ridiculously young to you.
7. You buy pants that flatten your tummy.
8. You buy tops that hide your tummy.
9. You sleep early and wake early.
10. When you say to your husband, "I'm looking older...." He replies, "Hmmm."

1 comment:

  1. My personal acquisition of #9 was especially disappointing. I used to be able to sleep until noon without guilt and, now, I get up at 8am, unassisted, because I have "things to do".
