Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pate: Epilogue

Done and done. I was a nattering lunatic once they injected painkiller into my IV. I was watching how the ceiling tiles cascaded like a waterfall before my eyes and I couldn't stop remarking about how neat it was to the doctor and nurse. The local injection was ok but didn't seem to dull the pain of the actual extraction of liver. It felt like I was being stabbed by a knife. In my daze, I turned about and asked to see the size of the offensive instrument that just punctured my liver. It looked like a fishing rod but I'll never be sure since I was drugged and half blind. Recovery at the hospital was painful and full of hallucinations for the first 2 hours. After that, I was bored. Now home, I just awoke in a panic because I was worried no one picked up my daughter from daycare! Fortunately, everything was taken care of by the hubby. Since I can't lift anything heavier than 10 lbs for the next 24 hours (otherwise my kidneys will fall out), I plan on watching tv and folding laundry when the husband isn't looking.

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